Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth (CSEY)
Our CSEY advocates provide 24/7 rapid response, advocacy, long and short-term case management and trust-based relational support to youth under the age of 22 who are being exploited or those at risk of being exploited.
What is Human Trafficking?
Human Trafficking is a violation of human rights in which victims are exploited for either labor or sexual acts for profit.
Sex Trafficking is when an individual uses force, fraud, or coercion to recruit, harbor, transport, provision, obtain, patronize, or solicit someone else for a commercial sex act.

Child Sex Trafficking Team (CSTT)
Aware Central Texas is one of thirteen advocacy programs that is a part of care coordination for the office of the Governor's Child Sex Trafficking Team.
Their goal is to protect children from sexual exploitation, help the public recognize signs, help victims recover, support healing, and bring justice to those who exploit children

What We Do to Help Break the Cycle
24/7 Crisis Hotline
Comprehensive Case Management
Hospital Accompaniment
One-on-One Advocacy
Resources and Referrals
Community Resource Closet
Support in Justice Activity
Outreach and Education
CSE-IT Tool Assessment

Contact Our CSEY Advocates